Designated Child Protection Officer

The Designated Child Protection Person for Small Wonders Childcare is Tracy Harrison. It is the role of the Designated Child Protection Person to receive and deal with all concerns of a child protection nature. Should the cause for concern be the designated officer, a more senior member of staff then Board Members should be informed.

All concerns should be treated as confidential, reported immediately and recorded factually. In the absence of the designated person, the concern should be shared with Social Services. All staff, trainees and volunteers aware of the organizational procedures for dealing with concerns, should be supported in taking action.


Allegations should be assessed promptly, accurately and given to immediate action.

If there is doubt that concerns are valid, Social Services should be contact for advice. If there is valid grounds for concerns, Social Services or the Police should be informed immediately.

Social Services and the Police work closely together on dealing with information received. The police are concerned with the investigation of alleged offences and the protection of the community, whilst Social Services focus on the welfare of the child, not only in the “immediate” but also the long term. The functions of both agencies are complementary and their overriding consideration is the welfare of the child.

Shankill Women's Centre funded by the EU